Marketing Momentum

Monday, July 31, 2006

Podcasting & Blogging: Two Top Marketing Tools

Podcasting and blogging have been sited by technology marketing executives as being two of the most effective tools for generating sales leads in the technology industry.

Podcasting News reports the information from Marketing Sherpa's annual survey of business technology marketing executives, which consisted of approximately 1,900 respondents.

Top 5 Tools For Generating Sales Leads

  • Free Trials - 54% of software marketers ranked free trials very effective.
  • Webcast - At 41% webcasts were another favorite for software marketers, but technology services and related hardware firms also ranked webinars at 33% and 31% respectively.
  • White paper - All business technology marketers rated white papers fairly evenly at 31-36% 'very effective.'
  • Blog - 35% of software and ASP marketers rated their blog as very effective, as did 33% of technology services firms. Unfortunately only 19% of hardware companies felt that a corporate blog was effective. This may be a result of general business executives being more likely to read a blog, while IT staffers may not.
  • Podcast - Barely a new marketing concept last year, but by June 2006, 22% of software marketers who'd given a podcast called them 'very effective'. Seems IT professionals may be more likely to be in an early adopter community for this activity.

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